This appointment will be of adequate time to allow:
We offer both high quality tooth-coloured and amalgam fillings, taking into account the most appropriate material and your personal wishes.
Amalgam is considered one of the strongest and longest-lasting materials for fillings. However, many people do not like the appearance of grey fillings when they smile, and some are concerned about possible health risks.
White fillings are a popular alternative to amalgam. New dental materials mean it is much easier to find a perfect match for the shade of a particular tooth. In most cases, it is almost impossible to see that the tooth even has a filling. Composite (white) bonded filling material can be used to cover unsightly marks on teeth, in a similar way to veneers.
Your crown is the portion of your tooth that is visible above the gum surface. A dental crown is a porcelain restoration that can cover a tooth to enhance or restore the tooth’s shape. A dental crown can also restore the appearance of a tooth after you’ve experienced tooth damage.
Benefits of Crowns
Veneers are thin custom-made porcelain/composite facings that are bonded to the teeth to improve their form and appearance often without the need for drilling.
Benefits of Veneers
A bridge uses a series of porcelain teeth to fill a space in the dental arch. By attaching to the teeth adjacent to the space it is possible to permanently close the gap negating the need for dentures. The bridge will restore the full functionality of the dentition and your smile.
Benefits of Bridges
Flexible Dentures replace one or more teeth. Unlike more traditional ridged, bulky and unstable dental materials, these dentures are made from a flexible plastic material which fits neatly into your mouth and is virtually invisible.
Benefits of a Flexible Denture
Teeth can become stained or darkened over a period of time due to a number of factors such as age, smoking, or drinking tea and red wine. If you are brushing and flossing twice a day, but still feel that your smile is not as bright as you would like, then our professional teeth whitening treatment may be of interest.
Benefits of Teeth Whitening
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Last Updated 01/12/2022